The psychological dynamics of e-learning
How can we exploit knowledge of users' cognition and motivation mechanisms to improve online training experiences?
How can we exploit knowledge of users' cognition and motivation mechanisms to improve online training experiences?
The storyboard represents a real strategic document for the success of an online course. Let's find out what it is and how to use it effectively.
Let's find out how Blockchain can offer a secure, transparent and immutable system for recording and validating acquired skills.
In this article we explore the process of data analysis in eLearning, offering a simple guide for those new to this world.
Choosing the right LMS is essential for the success of your training project. Discover the 6 mistakes not to make when choosing an eLearning platform.
The exploit of AI technology promises applications in many fields. In eLearning, the personalization of teaching is perhaps the main advance. Let's find out why.
Managing training within large companies can be a complex challenge. Find out how to best deal with it.
What is training based on anthropocentric design, or Human-centered Design, and how does it respond to the training needs of workers?
The introduction to an online course represents the first opportunity to capture the attention of the future student: here are the steps to make it captivating.
Advanced gamification techniques are useful tools for involving and orienting students in eLearning and improving performance. Let's find out how to implement them.
Let's find out what the impacts and costs of a lack of corporate cyber security are and how to mitigate cyber risks in companies.
A vocabulary with terms related to the world of eLearning: here's how to use the right words in an online course.
Training needs analysis is a key practice for companies aiming to align training with strategic objectives. Let's find out how to put it into practice.
Let's find out what the Italian legislation on whistleblowing provides and what you need to do so that your company complies with the new obligations.
Find out how using storytelling can help you improve online teaching and how to use different narrative structures depending on your training objectives.
Discover how to combine the hybrid and flexible characteristics of training, providing an advantageous and useful learning model for every type of student.
The new generations have very different training needs from previous ones and collaborative learning seems to satisfy them better than other approaches. Let's find out why.
Starting today, the testing phase and subsequent rollout of version 6.3 of the e-Learning platform with authoring tools and SCORM™ editor DynDevice LMS begins.