Multi-channel and multi-device use
DynDevice LMS can be used and enjoyed on an ample variety of devices. Specifically, all modern browsers are supported and therefore compatibility is guaranteed with:
- computers (desktop, laptops and 2 x 1 such as Surface Note)
- tablets (such as iPad, Samsumg Galaxy Tab etc.)
- smartphones (iPhone, Android devices, Windows 10 Mobile, etc.)
- SmartTVs
The DynDevice LMS admin interface (responsive version) can also be used with all these devices: as an example, the clickable image shows the editing phase of a learning object (course editor) using an iPad.
Native Apps for Android and iOS
Since version 4.0 of DynDevice LMS, the native apps for the Android and iOS platforms are also available, with which you can always keep your e-Learning platform at your fingertips, access them quickly, and receive personalized notifications.
Offline fruition
Thanks to the PWA "DynDevice OffP", learners can enjoy contents in offline mode, after downloading the related contents.