Webinar within e-Learning courses
With DynDevice LMS you can organize webinars in live streaming and include them in your blended courses (in exactly the same way as Learning Objects, Advanced Tests, etc.) , making them an integral part of the courses. The main features are:
- ability to create webinars in live streaming within the courses
- ability to share "pre-uploaded" slides in the webinar, directing their "airing" in real time
- ability to set up webinar participants and manage reporting
- ability to issue course certificates related to webinar participation
Gestione documenti
Similarly to how "Web-conference sessions" are managed, for each organized webinar the DynDevice LMS e-Learning platform comprehensively manages:
- user registration (both by the administrator and automatically via e-Commerce)
- confirmation of participation by users
- generation of participation reports and attendance sheets
- upload of documents to the platform by the teacher
- approval of documents by the administrator