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DynDevice LMS takes care of your human resources.
With DynDevice LMS you can easily manage all the documentary and training aspects of your employees, improve their skills and competences and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and collaboration.
With DynDevice you can
Managing personal details
Organize, manage and archive all personnel and collaborators data
With DynDevice LMS you have complete control of your company's human resources.
Centrally manage all information and documents concerning employees and company collaborators: contractual documents, additional agreements, curricula, dossiers and much more. In addition, you can reproduce the company organization chart and, depending on the position occupied by each, insert the employees in a workflow.
With DynDevice LMS you have the possibility to centralize personnel management in a single database, tracing the complete history of every resource that operates in your company.
Learn moreManage profiles and skills
Thoroughly manage the tasks and skills associated with collaborators
With DynDevice LMS you can monitor the progress of staff skills:
Identify the tasks present in your company and associate them with people; define the skills required for the performance of each job; define the level required for each skill; evaluates the skills of each employee.
Based on the information entered, DynDevice LMS will propose the training gaps in your company and you can study a plan to improve the skills of your resources and give your company an edge.
You can choose to activate training courses and track them with DynDevice; participation in a course or coaching will become a source of skills that you can keep track of.
Learn moreAssessment of competences (skills)
Management assessment tool
It is a tool that allows Managers to evaluate the performance of their employees and the Personnel Department to manage the processes of planning and development of human resources, mobility and job rotation, training courses and individual and team improvement.
Learn MoreAutomate course enrollments
Advanced management of course enrollments
With DynDevice LMS you automate the enrollment processes for eLearning, classroom and blended courses.
Your collaborators will be able to enroll in courses in full autonomy on the basis of their access rights, their duties and skill levels, if they pass an entrance test or the training courses you have defined. Registration processes may also be subject to workflows and approval flows linked to the company organization chart.
Learn moreManage types of risk and mandatory duties
Monitor the appointments of safety figures
With DynDevice LMS you can be sure that you have structured a complete safety organization chart.
By setting the type of risk and the size of your company, the system will automatically import from the centralized database of the CourStore ™ the tasks that must be mandatorily assigned within your company (for example; supervisors, security managers, RLS, RSPP, firefighters, first aid officer, etc.).
With DynDevice LMS you always have under control both the roles to be assigned and those assigned, with the assessment of the completeness of the mandatory training for each specific role.
Learn moreManage projects and work orders
Fully manage your company's projects
With DynDevice LMS you always have the progress of your work under control.
With Project Management you indicate the deadlines of the orders, the workers involved and the resources (material and otherwise) used. In this way, you constantly keep an eye on the progress of each order and calculate the time needed to complete all activities. Each employee views their own to-do list, receiving alerts and reminders of expected deadlines.
Finally the customer question "when will you complete the activity?" will have an instant, certain and precise answer.
Learn moreOrganize remote meetings
Organize online meetings easily and instantly
With DynDevice LMS you can manage meetings remotely and smart working activities
Connect staff, teams and individuals outside the company through remote online meetings, facilitating continuous collaboration and remote coordination. Engage up to 250 attendees and allow them to screen share, record the meeting or exchange files and documents.
Learn moreStart and monitor company discussions
Create Progress and internal discussions on any topic
With DynDevice LMS you control internal communication with and between employees.
With Progress you can create company discussions, divided into unlimited sections and categories, and assign them to all employees, or just to some. You can allow you to add files (video, audio, images, pdf, etc.) to messages and manage all messages sent in discussions, new or in response to pre-existing messages.
DynDevice LMS is the eLearning platform that facilitates internal company communication.
Learn moreManage staff attendance
Use an advanced personnel attendance management system
With DynDevice LMS you always know who is present in the company every day.
Use the platform as an advanced system for managing staff attendance in the company. You can connect it to your access control system to fully calculate all attendance / absences. And you can cross-reference the access control data with the requests entered for holidays, permits, business trips and overtime.
DynDevice LMS provides you with an accurate monthly attendance snapshot of your workforce.
Learn moreUse Knowledge Management
Allow employees and collaborators to access content and resources and download files
With DynDevice LMS you manage and share knowledge within your company.
Make files and documents (DOC, XLS, PDF, etc.) available to employees and collaborators divided into unlimited sections and categories and give them the possibility to download them at any time.
Decide which files can be downloaded and by whom, with the guarantee of username and password protection and encrypted communication via the HTTPS protocol.
Of course, you can always know at a glance who saw what, who downloaded and which files, at what time, etc.
Learn moreManage medical visit
Fully manage your employees' medical visits
With DynDevice LMS you have full control of your employees' medical visits.
You can enter the medical centers where periodic visits are carried out and the data of the competent doctors; upload "booked" medical visits by associating them with employees; update the status and outcomes of medical examinations and monitor deadlines to book renewals in time.
DynDevice LMS helps you meet deadlines and manage the entire visit plan of your company on a single board.
Learn moreDeliver payroll
Ensure the certainty of delivery and data security
With DynDevice LMS, the paycheck arrives directly in the inbox.
Electronic delivery of payslips to your employees. You use less time than manual delivery, you do not generate paper versions that can hang around and you are guaranteed that only the coupon holder can download it after logging in with their credentials and with an encrypted connection (with HTTPS protocol).
In addition, DynDevice LMS generates an archive of all payslips distributed to employees, which can be consulted at any time by both the employee and the personnel department.
Learn moreTracking and evaluating expense refunds
Collect, check and book all expense claims
With DynDevice LMS you are always in control of expense reimbursements.
Telematically manage the requests for reimbursement of expenses for a car trip (therefore "mileage reimbursement") or other expenses in general. Request the entry of costs and supporting documents and decide whether or not to approve the refund requested.
The system also allows the automatic sending, to the personnel department and the administration, of an XLS file containing all the expense reimbursements approved during the month.
Learn moreBook company resources
Optimize booking management for shared resources
With DynDevice LMS you no longer find the meeting room already occupied when you need it.
Easily solve the problem of managing shared corporate resources (such as meeting rooms, laptops, classrooms, etc.) by creating a calendar with unique reservations. The number of resources you can create is unlimited and, in a few minutes, resource management becomes leaner, faster and more effective.
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