Weekly Blog about eLearning

All posts of Chiara Mastroleo

The future of e-Learning

Given the success achieved by training on online platforms in recent years, the question that touches the mind of many people is "What will the future be for e-Learning?". That's why we decided to elaborate the subject with you.

06/02/2019Chiara Mastroleo
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Professional figures of e-Learning

Creating an e-Learning course is certainly not a walk. Planning a e-Learning lesson means bringing together a series of professionals who have to work together for the success of the course. Who are them?

07/11/2018Chiara Mastroleo
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e-Learning for Lifelong Learning

The concept behind the continuous learning is called “lifelong learning” and a new sector called e-Learning has been created thanks to the web. It allows everyone to learn everything from the comfort of home, looking at online courses.

24/10/2018Chiara Mastroleo
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