e-Learning and the challenge for universities

Every year universities that employ e-Learning increase the sharing of knowledge and provide and distribute learning through the web. What is the contribution that e-Learning can give to teaching and learning in these places of study?

e-Learning and the challenge for universities

Every year universities that employ e-Learning increase the sharing of knowledge and provide and distribute learning through the web. What is the contribution that e-Learning can give to teaching and learning in these places of study?

The use of information technology is considered one of the main factors to facilitate the development of knowledge and its sharing, improving the quality of training and learning more and more.

Also in Italy there has been a radical change in the context of education: from a logic of push education and centered on the teacher to a pull logic, determined together with the student, through methodologies aimed at an active type of teaching.

For this reason, the dynamics of learning are not just about the mere "content transfer" that takes place between teacher and students but encompasses a much broader process that contains relationships and emotions that develop in interaction and participation with students.

This process of change has impacted on teaching methods in the context of Universities and university professors, but also on all those methods suitable for developing learning that go beyond the traditional classroom, giving recognition also to learning defined on the basis of lived experiences.
Specifically, e-Learning is based on modern digital technologies and uses different teaching methods, aimed at delivering and distributing a type of learning that is developed through particular educational software. More precisely, e-Learning does not only concern training in the strict sense, but also the processes of transmission and development of knowledge between individuals and organizations made possible thanks to the Internet.

In fact, while e-Learning systems are becoming increasingly important tools to allow and provide access to learning materials, all this happens in a single mode (one to one), leading to consider e-Learning a closed system .

Often, access to training materials is only allowed to the user organization of the e-Learning system, preventing it from exchanging data and knowledge between systems and users. Despite this, the user would benefit from the sharing of such data and information. These limits continue to operate even when there are collaboration agreements, research among university institutions, that do not help to find a solution.

To avoid this problem, many Italian universities have created a collaborative e-Learning environment, necessary to share content and increase the level of knowledge, while respecting the independence of individual e-Learning systems.
In conclusion, the real challenge is not the simple substitution of one method with another, but the integration between the widest range of available methodologies.

The challenge in universities is linked to the development of forms of collaboration between traditional media and those connected to the potential of the network and the web. Only in this way can e-Learning exist for a winning study strategy.

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