e-Learning for Lifelong Learning

The concept behind the continuous learning is called “lifelong learning” and a new sector called e-Learning has been created thanks to the web. It allows everyone to learn everything from the comfort of home, looking at online courses.

e-Learning for Lifelong Learning

The concept behind the continuous learning is called “lifelong learning” and a new sector called e-Learning has been created thanks to the web. It allows everyone to learn everything from the comfort of home, looking at online courses.

They say that you never stop learning in your life, and as the entrepreneur MJ DeMarco says: "you really start to learn only after taking your degree". In the life of every person there are endless opportunities to learn and we can say that the year 2018 is the best possible moment to become experts in something that does not require manual work or a particular talent.

The concept of lifelong learning is particularly useful in such and age of great scientific and technological development as we are experiencing, where information is shared in a few seconds and every subject, scientific or not, must be constantly updated.
Lifelong learning, otherwise called “continuous training” in some countries like Italy, means being constantly updated and continuing to learn things also after the end of compulsory schooling.
It is not mandatory to continue to learn things in the same sector, you can also start a new learning path in a completely new sector, both for work needs and for pure personal pleasure.
The European Union is at the forefront of the spread of lifelong learning, through information programs and a series of economic incentives to the nations that promote these courses, but a person can also decide to learn in a personal way through the e-Learning contents he/she can find on the web.
The digital learning courses available on multiple platforms on the web are a great way to cultivate lifetime learning, since the platforms contain a large number of up-to-date and continuously expanding training courses and can issue certificates that certify learning.

What are the advantages of lifelong learning?

First of all, personal satisfaction in increasing your culture and learning new information.
Secondly (but of equal importance), lifelong learning allows all people to be constantly updated in one sector and to learn new skills (such as in computer programming or SEO positioning), which can translate into new opportunities for work.
Furthermore, a person who is prepared and constantly updated can be much more organized and productive in his work, since he/she has all the skills to solve a greater number of problems in shorter time, thus increasing his individual productivity.
The process of lifelong learning is the best way to always be attractive in the labor market and to make your personal growth truly effective.
Life changes, like situations and relationships between people; the economy and the companies change with the passing of time and the only possible way to always be indispensable and to be successful is to always have the best possible training, or invest in lifelong learning.

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