Why take an online course in the form of micro-contents?

Is creating micro-content just a response to the decline in attention and retention, or a more effective method of transmitting knowledge?

Why take an online course in the form of micro-contents?

Is creating micro-content just a response to the decline in attention and retention, or a more effective method of transmitting knowledge?

We have often talked about microlearning and its strong connection to corporate training.
Micro-content is the most suitable answer for online courses enjoyed on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. The main characteristic that the courses provided on mobile must have is the brevity, for a maximum duration of 5 minutes. How can this be achieved? Focusing on one small topic at a time, hence the name of micro-contents. In concrete terms, they can take the form of short video tutorials, infographics, quizzes, games or short texts. Precisely for this format, there is a tendency to think that micro-contents are essentially intended to reinforce knowledge learned in other ways. These knowledge pills have many other roles to play in the learning experience.

Use micro-contents to encourage on-the-job learning

As it is easy to understand, micro-contents cannot be used for any type of training course. How do you explain new legislation in 5 minutes? Even dividing it into short modules, how many micro-lessons should you prepare to treat it all? When it comes to the description of products and services, changes to simple procedures that affect every day working life, micro-contents can be an excellent tool for learning in the workplace. Instead of going home, or carving out a moment of the day specifically for training, an employee can receive an update or consult the micro-content when he needs it most.

Micro-contents for an online course with increasing levels of complexity

Paradoxically, learning some skills that require time and increasing levels of difficulty lends itself well to the format of micro-contents. In the design of the course the lessons are divided into pills and the game can be used to push the learner to continue the training. This methodology is often used to learn foreign languages, but it can also be applied to other soft skills such as communication and the ability to solve problems. The micro-contents become a sort of mini training in the gym: 5 minutes a day are enough to learn or put into practice what has been learned.

Use micro-contents to entertain and intrigue students of an online course

Each learning experience has a starting point and it is when the student learns about a course and decides to follow it. Even in non-compulsory company training, there are recommended or voluntary courses among which employees can choose. Micro-contents can become a captivating tool to intrigue and capture the attention of future learners. A video or animation that presents the educational problem to be solved and makes you want to learn more becomes a way to promote online courses delivered in different formats, including mobile learning.
Micro-contents are an essential tool not only to revise through brief infographics, quizzes or videos what has been learned with an online course but they are also an excellent tool to learn in the workplace, train soft skills daily and promote their courses in eLearning mode.

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