What is the HILL model and how can it make eLearning more effective?

All the secrets of High Impact Learning that Last, a durable and high impact training model.

What is the HILL model and how can it make eLearning more effective?

All the secrets of High Impact Learning that Last, a durable and high impact training model.

$ 200 billion in training is spent worldwide every year, but only 25% of course beneficiaries are satisfied. The data produced by various studies and analyzed by Filip Dochy and Mien Segers, show that the biggest challenge for companies is not to invest in training in general, but to invest in the creation of training content that is effective and that has a lasting effect for the beneficiaries of courses. HILL, High Impact Learning that Last, is the name of a new training model created by Dochy and Segers to revolutionize the training experience. The goal is clear: to create high-impact and long-lasting training content. Here is what the HILL model consists of in seven steps.

1. Create a sense of emergency

Training starts from a need, from a problem and from a challenge. All this generates in the beneficiaries the urgent need to learn. The task of the trainer is to bring out the objectives starting from these needs and arouse the curiosity of the beneficiaries, instilling energy and bringing the fulcrum of the training back to personal and real situations.

2. Involvement of the student

The expression "learner agency" indicates that when the beneficiaries of the course are free to decide what, when and how to learn, they are not only more independent but also more motivated to be formed. It is not the trainer who decides and structures the course down to the smallest details, but the trainees are the real agents of their learning path.

3. Collaboration and tutoring

Focusing on collaboration means strengthening social learning, teaching people to give positive feedback and insert gamification elements to support teamwork. The trainer is always ready to give support at individual and group level.

4. Hybrid training

To stimulate the participation of the beneficiaries it is useful to use a hybrid formula of online and offline training, using creativity to make the training blended adapted to the needs of the beneficiaries. Online tools include video conferencing and chat, YouTube. Offline training includes face-to-face meetings and didactic material to study independently.

5. Action and knowledge sharing

It is essential to transform training into a real experience in which the beneficiaries of the course interact with each other. The trainer's task is to strengthen memory because what has been learned is never forgotten. For example, working groups can be created, experimenting to learn in the workplace, round tables where the trainer and trainees are on the same level.

6. Flexibility - Formal and informal training

During the training process, it is important to include informal learning moments. An important workload, with subsequent debate and verification is a way to strengthen informal learning alone or in a group.

7. Include evaluation as part of the training

During the training it is important to evaluate the knowledge learned, stop to help people who are unable to move forward, stimulate the debate after the moments of evaluation. The purpose of the evaluation is not to put pressure on the beneficiaries of the course, but to allow them to learn from their mistakes.

The secret of the HILL model

Some elements of the HILL model are already widely used in eLearning: social learning, gamification, assessments such as training moments and blended formulas. Other elements, such as autonomy in training where, when and how you want are the essential character of online training. The real added value of the HILL model is the constant positive energy that is established between the trainer and the beneficiaries starting from the identification of the training needs. Peer collaboration, the involvement of employees from the first steps of training, their feedback during training and assessment sessions, the creation of informal learning moments is the key to a true high impact and lasting training course.

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