What is Digital Learning?

Is there a difference between Digital Learning and e-Learning?

What is Digital Learning?

Is there a difference between Digital Learning and e-Learning?

75% of Italian companies declare that Digital Learning is increasingly important in business training. Over the last twenty years, corporate training has undergone a veritable revolution: from face-to-face classroom training, which is often frontal, the use of interactive digital methods and tools, available on demand and on mobile.

The era in which we live is digital: change is so rapid that we need timely action to keep up with the times and keep our organization competitive and successful. The crux of the matter is always the same, also in the training field: it is not enough to wait for the emergence of new needs to respond to them, you must be able to anticipate them.

It is necessary to make the training innovative, more usable and capable of transferring managerial styles, technical skills and soft skills, seizing all the opportunities generated by digital.

What is Digital Learning

In spite of what is commonly thought, Digital Learning is not synonymous with e-Learning. The first concept, in fact, incorporates and goes well beyond the second. According to the HR Innovation Practice Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano, "the term Digital Learning refers to an integrated platform of channels and tools to support the programs of training - from webinars to social networks, from mobile applications for training to gamification initiatives - which allow people to be trained more effectively, using the most appropriate means to use the contents ".

More specifically, it can be used synchronously or asynchronously and implemented, from time to time, in different ways based on the needs of the company: vis-à-vis, remotely or directly at the workplace.

Why take a digital approach to business training?

In today's scenario, continuous updating is a necessity: in fact, we talk more and more about lifelong learning. In this context, it is essential to have flexible and usable forms of training in ways that are compatible with work requirements.

Over the last twenty years, corporate training has undergone a veritable revolution: from face-to-face classroom training, which is often frontal, the use of interactive digital methods and tools, available on demand and on mobile.

By adopting a Learning Management System (LMS) companies can give employees the opportunity to constantly update their knowledge and skills (hard and soft skills). Such as? Creating and making available various course titles and training courses necessary to face the challenges of the reference market.
Of the same opinion is Boston Consulting Group: "if you do not use new learning methods, you cannot enable new ones ways of working, nor can we compete. It is necessary to focus on "learning along the workflow", where the keywords are personalization, real-time feedback, gamification, and measurability.

What are the Digital Learning tools?

According to the Milan Polytechnic Observatory data, the most widespread Digital Learning tool is the video course (adopted by 63% of organizations), followed by from webinars (60%), social media (43%), MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses (40%), Apps (28%), online tutors (25%), tools for a digital learning experience (19%) and interactive educational ones (18%).

To ensure the distribution of online courses, registration and tracking of user activities, the Learning Management System (LMS) platforms are used.
Not infrequently, the LMS (which, as we have seen, manage the use of courses by users and statistics) operate in a coordinated manner with the Learning Content Management System (LCMS) that manage the contents of the training. These complete e-Learning platforms allow you both to use the courses and acquire skills, and to develop training plans and monitor the effectiveness of employee updates.

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