USA: students and Universities prefer e-Learning
Fewer registrations at the campus? It’s due to the offer of e-Learning university education, more and more requested in the USA
USA: students and Universities prefer e-Learning
Fewer registrations at the campus? It’s due to the offer of e-Learning university education, more and more requested in the USA
In the USA, online university education is more and more popular thanks to its advantages: cost reduction for the student and for the University as well. This has brought, also this year, to a reduction of registration to private Universities.
Theology seminaries are a very peculiar case where, like all other graduation courses, e-Learning is growing in both number and relevance.
Fuller Theological Seminary has announced that three out of their 8 campuses will be closed. This is due to the launch of the “Fuller Online” program, allowing to attend the course program online, rather than in presence.
“The remarkable increase of online registrations has being paired by a reduction of registrations to our physical campuses” Joel Green, dead of Fuller, declared. “To give a snapshot, while registrations to online courses for winter quarter have increased about 50% from 2013 to 2017, registrations to our regional campuses have dropped about 30% in the same period”.
The Theological School Association (ATS) confirms that the data reported by Green are in line with a continental trend: registrations to physical courses have dropped 26% while online registrations have, on the contrary, more than doubled.
“I think that what’s really happening is that schools are going toward a blended model” says Tanner, director for accreditation and institutional evaluation at ATS. “where some courses can be offered and followed in campuses, and others online: this brings a drop in the registrations to campuses. Programs may require students to live at campus for one or two weeks every 6 months for certain courses, while they complete online other education objectives”.