Immersive learning: is it possible to fully immerse yourself in online training?

From storytelling to simulations and challenges in real time: everything seems to focus on immersive learning where what matters is the error. Have we understood correctly?

Immersive learning: is it possible to fully immerse yourself in online training?

From storytelling to simulations and challenges in real time: everything seems to focus on immersive learning where what matters is the error. Have we understood correctly?

To escape from the monotony of training courses where only the right answer is important, the idea of an immersive training course, where one learns through mistakes, is becoming increasingly popular. How is it possible to apply the old adage "making mistakes" in online courses? Is it enough to give students the freedom to give answers or can they be guided with precise techniques? Here are the latest eLearning trends for totally immersive learning.

1. Realism, the watchword of immersive learning

Immersive learning is a type of learning based on the total immersion of learners in an interactive learning context. The goal is to enable them to learn by directly experiencing situations in which they might find themselves in the workplace. Immersive learning can be recreated both in a virtual environment and in a real environment, so it lends itself to the use of techniques ranging from virtual reality to role-playing games.

2. Create a learning environment where you can make mistakes

The idea of immersive learning is that in a simulation, learners are confronted with real situations and given the opportunity to make decisions, be they right or wrong. The error becomes functional to learning and in some way, it is also liberating for the students who do not have the pressure of the right answer at all costs. What matters is making decisions, learning from your mistakes and applying the right behaviors in the workplace.

3. How to create an immersive learning environment with online courses

To recreate an immersive environment you need a story: there must be a character, starting situations to change and a constant challenge to overcome difficulties. Storytelling, therefore, it is the first element that eLearning can use to make learning immersive. The story can be planned so that the student determines its development. The branching scenario is another technique available to eLearning. It consists of providing different ramifications of a story according to the choices made by the learners. The care in creating an immersive learning environment is to foresee the possibility that the student makes wrong choices. It is up to the trainer to push him to analyze his mistakes and change his behavior to remedy it.

Immersive learning is a type of interactive learning in which students are the protagonists of a realistic simulation where they can even make wrong decisions. The idea is to allow them to learn from their mistakes. The essential elements of immersive learning are history and a realistic challenge and one of the best ways to use them is to program a scenario with various implications.

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