Advanced publication
"Advanced publication" is the feature which enables you to make available to the public and therefore publish all content changes made with the CMS.
Publication, in addition to rewriting the pages on the server's disk with the latest changes, also triggers the re-generation and update of the sitemap.xml file according to the website's new structure. The sitemap.xml files are read by search engines and are therefore useful/necessary in terms of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). All websites managed with DynDevice LMS enjoy excellent indexing on all search engines (Google, Bing, ecc.) thanks in no small part to the "Advanced publication" feature.
Page loading speed also improves dramatically on all websites managed with the management system thanks to the related cache system. The clickable image shows the publication of this very website: the writing of sitemap.xml (with entries for each page and each news item) and of all its pages takes less than a second.