When to use eLearning in your company?

When is it preferable to take advantage of the possibilities eLearning has to offer? From smartworking training to entry-levels, here are the contexts in which an online course is a step ahead.

When to use eLearning in your company?

When is it preferable to take advantage of the possibilities eLearning has to offer? From smartworking training to entry-levels, here are the contexts in which an online course is a step ahead.

eLearning means training. This means that it can be used in a wide variety of fields, from the stricly educational ones to more professional ones. As we already know, an online course features many advantages (link) that can be surprisingly useful in some particular occasions. ELearning lets you customize and make training more flexible and, at the same time, it can help assess progress over time with the possibility to offer up-to-date content.

For these reasons (and many others), eLearing can be a precious resource for companies. Here are some situations in which online courses can make the difference in a company:

1. Smartworking

More and more companies are taking in workers who work remotely or give the possibility to their staff to work from home. If all the employees need to take part in a training course, eLearning can be the answer. It’s also possible to add course-taker and tutor meetings to the virtual training.

2. Tranining for all the employees

For companies with a high number of employees the cost of training and updating courses can be extremely high (particularly considering travel expenses). That’s why eLearning helps companies inform staff about specific issues in which everyone is involved, such as new regulations or the launch of a new product.

3. Facilitating “onboarding”

When a company hires a new employee, the following step is called “ onboarding”. It’s when the new employee has to take in a lot of information and learns how to move in the company. ELearning can step in in this scenario. An online course for a new employee means giving them the opportunity to get gradually closer to the company dynamics and learn how to settle in, together with the help of colleagues.

4. “Entry level” employees

ELearning, like in the onboarding case, can be a very useful tool when training entry level workers: employees who have limited work experience, probably because they have just finished university. In this case an online course can help workers learn how to put into practice what they have learnt within the work environment.

5. Refreshing workers' memory

When reopening an old project or plan, it’s not unlikely that teams have to rapidly brush up some past information or quickly update it. Online courses, in particular the ones based on microlearning can be a useful tool for refreshing workers’ memory.

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