Major update 5.2 for e-learning platform Dyndevice LMS

The new macro-update for the DynDevice LMS (learing management system) e-Learning platform was released in the last few hours

Major update 5.2 for e-learning platform Dyndevice LMS

The new macro-update for the DynDevice LMS (learing management system) e-Learning platform was released in the last few hours

The process of spreading Mega Italia Media’s 5.2 build 000 version of Dyndevice LMS, a system equipped with e-learning platform, editor SCORM™ for courses (LCMS with authoring tools) , staff/HR management and advanced customization capabilities through the CMS extension, has already been completed .

The following release notes explains all the improvements made by the new update.


Process of course installation . The copying process of the "Business Data" at the time of installation from the previous version, now no longer considers the fields "Category" and "Subcategory". Effectively allowing platform administrators to customize them at will.

Attendance log of sessions in the classroom or in web-conference. Added the possibility to use all the variables typical of the "Signature Sheet" of the "Funded Training" (field "Document Header" of "Platform Options" -> "Funded Training") and the "Business Name" of learners. The data of the funded plan are taken from the first user (in alphabetical order) who has a set plan. Future session attendance logs will by default have the new HTML code inserted with a new table.

"Users, subscriptions and documents" Mask . The following improvements have been made:
• The columns already present in the list has been ordered so that they respect the order of "editing" in the user insert/edit mask (except "Photograph", shown just before the column "Name");
• the column "Photography" has now been enlarged to show at least the header "Photo...". Improved then the same photograph that is now exposed with rounded corners and no longer cut;
• added all the data fields currently provided in the I/U masks with the exception of those in the section "Detailed Background Data". Although those that have been added are not initially "active/exposed";
• removed [Export] functionality (as it is preferable to use the standard list functionality) .

Mask "List of courses" of the section LMS (both "elearning" and "blended"). Added the [LCMS] button to quickly open the "LCMS Course List" mask with filtered the currently selected course.

New fields for funded training. Two new fields have been added called "Platform Authorization Code" and "Protocol Number" within the training plans; these fields can be used both within the signature sheet header and in the session attendance register.

Improvement in the generation of reports. Now in the column "Training Plan ID" is inserted the value of the field "Training Plan ID" and no longer the ID of the row in the table. To then facilitate the generation of reports according to the requests of Agenas, the columns were added (hidden by default):
• Authorization code of the platform
• Protocol number
• ID Training action
• Teacher/User (column that reports "Teacher" (if the user is "Session Teacher" for at least one session in the course, or "User")
• Date and time input (for e-learning first input, for blended to session)
• Date and time of release (for e-learning last release, for blended to session)
For blended courses, the course line is repeated for each session in the course.

Counting active users . Recalibrated the system of counting active users so that they are actually counted as such those reported in the guide of the mask "Action center".

E-learning pills in courses . Added the possibility of being able to insert the training pills in a course as if they were a "traditional object". The export of courses has been modified with the possibility of downloading courses containing pills. Ability to download and install each course with pills from the CourStore™.

New options for course extensions. Added a new section called "Extensions of the not saleable and never started" of the mask "Options platform" / tab "LCMS" with new tendons so arranged:
• From CSV: Allow/Transfer automatically
• Single manuals: Allow/Transfer upon confirmation
• Group manuals: Allow/Transfer upon confirmation and made it so that the various functions behave accordingly.

Massive registrations via CSV. Users' CSV subscription no longer affects users with the "Active" -> "No" field.

Historicization of certificates . Added the feature of historialization of certificates so that the old ones are not deleted but remain visible both on DD and as files on disk. Replacement storage saves all archived copies; learner-side access will always be on the last copy .

"Certified Downloads" function . The following improvements have been made:
• in addition to the selection of subscribers, there are now also two data fields ("With end from" and "With end to") with which to add an additional filter to the certificates that must be generated / regenerated / included in the ZIP file;
• A new checkbox "Force regeneration certificates"  has been added,  that will allow, precisely, to regenerate the certificates already generated in the past maintaining the original start and end dates but according to the current content of the documents;
• when a certificate is regenerated, the previous version is saved in the archive as from the previous point;
• added link/functionality "Select/deselect all users without certificate" and "Select/deselect all users without certificate but at 100%"
• the selection of a user who has not yet started the course does NOT lead to the automatic start of the same (with self-acceptance of the contract) .

Letter of engagement. Provided the functionality of generating the "letter of assignment" for the teachers present on the platform. In the mask of "Platform Options" has been added a new tab that allows you to select the teacher and the period of time for which you want to know which courses he has carried out and, clicking on "Generate letter of assignment" will generate a PDF containing the courses carried out in the period chosen previously and all the necessary data.

Association with group management. In the "New/User Editing" mask the association with the group is now possible through an editable curtain. If the group searched/written in the curtain does not exist, the code proceeds to create a new one .

Ordini per i corsi blended. Added the possibility, also for blended courses, to be able to tie the registrations to the orders of customers (PO). The order itself then, as for elearning courses, is included in the report .

Improvements to the use of the courses . Now in case of fruition of insufficient duration compared to the "Minimum Time", a notice to the user was provided to invite him and see the optional learning objects . Everything is customizable by the "Parameters Management" of the module "Scorm Player", through a new label. Also, when you are in this scenario, the [Continue] key of the course now lead to the first optional learning object available.
The [Submit quiz] button, if the "Advanced Test" is a "Satisfaction Questionnaire", has become [Submit Questionnaire]. The same button has also been equipped with the same class as the "Continue/Start Course" button .
The "Satisfaction Questionnaire" is made available even if the user has not passed the "Advanced Test" just before, but it is sufficient that the same is completed at least once. Finally, the label "Assigned value: 100% - See the completed test", for the questionnaires became "Assigned satisfaction: 100% -> See the completed questionnaire". 

Anonymous form in questionnaires . The detail of the compilations of the "Satisfaction Questionnaires" user by user, are no longer accessible even to super-administrators, but the general statistics remain accessible. A notice has also been added below the completion of the questionnaire informing the user that the same is anonymously.

User Information. Added in all tabs of the mask "User Detail" the ability to open the print of what you are viewing .

Resource calendar. The "Resources Calendar" has been updated so that it becomes more graphically similar to the new "Project management" (in turn more similar to the most popular software calendars).

Improvements to the "Session List" mask . The "Actual Duration" field has been added in the "Session List" mask; this field is enhanced only at the end of the session with the duration in minutes, and can also be exported via the CSV export of the sessions.

New field "Duration in hours" . Added the field "Duration in hours" in the mask "List of courses bledend": you can export the field in the extraction CSV of the mask. The field was also added in the "Generation Training Report".

Integration with Zoom . Dyndevice has been correctly implemented to have, optionally, the possibility to integrate Zoom as external software for their web-conferences. This adds to Cisco Webex, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Logmein Gotowebinar, etc.


Mask "List courses" of the section LCMS. Added the button [Publication ] with the options [Publish Course] which allows you to directly access the publication mask for the selected course and [Edit and Publish]. The latter option opens a "Edit and Publish Course" mask that allows you to quickly access all LCMS editing masks for the selected course (data editing, content editing, etc.) and then proceed immediately to the publication of the selected course.

Improvements to the management of blended courses. More than twenty different improvements have been made, and the most significant are:
• Possibility to plan a «hybrid» session (both in the classroom and in the web-conference);
• possibility to assign a (unique) code to the sessions. When a user participates in a session his participation also applies to all other sessions with the same code;
• mask «Decant Absent» to identify those who did not participate in all the sessions scheduled in the course and then register them for a new edition of the course;
• in the register has been added support to the variable [NOTES-TEACHER] that exposes an area of text and if compiled will show the content written by the teacher .

Integration with Italian Security Courses . Integration with the website Corsi Sicurezza Italia ( for those who want to sell courses in webconference:
• possibility to integrate Dyndevice with your account partner of;
• possibility to publish the blended web-conference courses built on Dyndevice directly on .

Categorisation of sessions . Added "Status" field to sessions, set with values : 
• "To start"
• "Cancelled"
• "Dispensing"
• "Terminated"
The field is optionally visible in the list of blended courses, and can be inserted in the Excel report "New Training Report" after adding the field from the report options.

Function "PDF Forms" . All of the following improvements have been added:
• in "Scorm Player" => "Label Management" it is now possible to customize all texts / labels displayed for the management of PDF forms;
• added the field "Mentoring action" to the PDF form that allows the possible mentor of a learner (whose username must be filled in in the field "Mentor (company tutor)" of the learner) to perform the same document management actions available to examiners;
• for examiners / mentors it is now possible to set the actions "-- no action --" (the examiner / mentor must not perform any action) and "Approval learner document" (the examiner/ mentor approves the learner document, without loading / generate a new document);
• added the fields "Notification to the examiner" and "Notification to the mentor" to determine whether the examiner/ mentor should receive the notification of "New document to the referent" when the learner generates the document;
• added the fields "Downloads of the document under development" and "Downloads of the signed and approved document" to determine whether the learner can download the document under development and/or the document signed and approved by the examiner/mentor;
• added the fields "Header" and "Footer" that allow you to set a header and a footer to be displayed on all pages of the generated PDF document;
• added fields to set "Margins" ("above", "below", "left", "right") for all pages of the generated PDF document;
• added the fields "Custom File Name (Learner Document)" and "Custom File Name (Examiner Document)" that allow you to customize the file name assigned to the learner document and the signed examiner document;
• added the field "PHP code for custom variables" which allows you to specify a PHP code executed when generating the document. This code can populate the values of the array "$aCustomVariables" which will then be replaced in the document by the variables [CUSTOM-*].

Generation of accessible learning objects . Starting from version 5.2 authoring tools of Dyndevice allow general learning object completely accessible. And therefore, for this reason, usable in accordance with legislation also by public administrations. The e-learning platform, therefore, can be prepared and exposed to the public with templates that are also fully accessible and respectful of the WCAG directives.


Performance of skills over time . Expanded the "User Details" mask where two new tabs have been added. The first shows a graph with the evolution over time of skills evaluated and monitored for the user. In the second tab, instead, a radiant graph is shown that compares the real evaluation of the user’s skills, with his self-evaluation.

Module "Attendance Managment". Modified the mode of generation of the Excel file of the presences that now does not happen more in real-time to the click of the applicant. But it generates a task that then sends the file via email to the applicant’s address when ready.

New mask. Added a new "Generate Document Reports" mask that allows the generation of a report with all the documents assigned to a user.

Module "Documents Exposer". Added the ability to distinguish, depending on the page where the form is entered, which category of documents to show .

Association of documents with users . The documents which may be attached by extension to a worker are grouped by category. In addition, each association of a document to a user, you can determine whether or not to send an email alert.

Mask "List of medical examinations". In the mask, and therefore also in the CSV extraction, added the columns "Place of birth" and "Sex".

New results for "Medical examinations" . Added two cases for the outcome of the visits: "Suitable with limitations" and "Suitable with prescriptions and limitations".

Improvements to "Project management". The sub-scenario "List of projects" of the module "Project Management" exposes all the projects of which I am head-project and also the projects, in read-only, of which I am "Commercial Referent". For read-only projects, I can only access the [List] sub-screen. And from there, I can only see the activities that I can access in read-only detail and work done.


Sale of courses via e-commerce. The problem of the sale of the courses was solved and then, between the purchase, the completion of the payment and the compilation of the registration forms, they become unsaleable (as the courses are updated). Now the system performs the automatic "transfer" of the purchase to the latest version of the course available. In addition, it is no longer possible to insert a registration form by re-registering the same user to a course to which he is already enrolled.

Module "Cookie GDPR". Changed the display mode of the banner that now, starting, is always at "display: none". It is then shown and populated only in case of missing cookies, and after 5 seconds from the complete loading of the page. This results in a very large improvement in the CLS score in Google.

Module "Chat for assistance". For operators it is possible to access the archive of all open chats, with the possibility to reopen them for reading.

Anti-spam functionality with DKIM . Added the ability to sign all outgoing emails for each site or e-learning platform with DKIM. In addition, the system of sending any email from the system, now requires verification of the sender email address.

Module "E-Commerce related". In the "Width" field of the template you can now also enter percentages (e.g. "100%") and not only the number of pixels. The module is also fully functional for e-learning or blended courses.

Module "Commenti". Added the possibility to automatically exclude comments that include words inserted in a new field in "Parameter Management". In addition, the notification that notifies users of the insertion of a new comment on the same page commented by him, comes only if the user can really see it (and so if the "Comments" form is on the same page as the "Scorm Player", check the membership group if the group filter is active).

Module "Newsletter". When sending the newsletter (or forwarding), an alert will be shown confirming the date and time of sending, and the number of intended recipients at the time. So he asks for confirmation to proceed.

Module "Forum". Added the possibility to customize the template differently according to the language.

Module "Assistance". Introduced the concept of "default operators":
• added the possibility to establish "Default Operator 1" and "Default Operator 2" based on the value entered for "Platform or site" in the various tickets opened through the new forms "New association" and "List associations". Then possibility of insertion, modification and cancellation of a new entity "Operators default" composed from the fields "Operator 1", "Operator 2" and "Platform or site" compilabile liberally;
• when a new ticket is opened, if the same is a "Platform or site" that provides default operator, the same is automatically assigned to the first. And both the first and the second are notified of the opening (not others according to categories).

Luca Sigalini
Developer's Team

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