How to meet the needs of today's learners?

Internet has pushed more and more users on search engines to find “their” online content, often replacing an e-Learning course with a Google search. What should today's trainer do to respond to changes in technology?

How to meet the needs of today's learners?

Internet has pushed more and more users on search engines to find “their” online content, often replacing an e-Learning course with a Google search. What should today's trainer do to respond to changes in technology?

Today, thanks to Internet, you can have access to all kind of information, at any time of the day, at the moment when you need it the most. In addition, the web allows you to search, save and share these info with anyone you want, facilitating the search for content and their cataloguing online.

Search engines know when and where to communicate certain content (it happens for example with advertisements, which always appear at the right time and in the right place); moreover, now there is an application for every need, not to mention that users have access to a disparate series of video tutorials on YouTube.

All this gives the possibility of getting a general understanding of any subject that appears to be functional to achieve a goal that is becoming common among users: to become general experts, without specializing in a specific sector.

To overcome this problem, it is necessary to have an online trainer capable to respond to these changes introduced by today's generation.

Let's see together the characteristics that a e-Leaning course should have to capture the attention of today's 3.0 students.

Reduced content

A good e-Learning course should focus on the user's goal. To acheive it, an online trainer shall create modules of reduced size (which is difficult to find today on search engines), avoiding formal programs that are not only long, but also boring. This way, students will be able to remain attentive, without losing sight of the individual training objectives.


If user's attention is captured by advertisements while he/she is surfing on Google, or while interacting on social media, the e-Learning trainer will have to do the same. He/she will therefore have to promote e-Learning courses also through advertisements on Google Ads or on Facebook Advertising, targeting the relevant public.

Building a community

Following an e-Learning course does not mean studying at the computer and in total solitude. Absolutely not. Studying online means entering a community of people who follow an educational path together, with which they care and share the information they learn.

Truthfulness of the contents

Over time, Internet is losing reliability, due to the possibility of coming across fake news published in untrustworthy sites.
The user will therefore always have to worry about checking the contents and verifying that they correspond to the truth. This does not happen in an e-Learning learning path because behind each content there are professional figures who have the task of creating and packaging ad hoc topics, based on each training request.

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