How to improve learning: 7 tips from psychology

What is the secret to helping people change long-term behavior and habits? Understanding some basics of learning psychology can be helpful.

How to improve learning: 7 tips from psychology

What is the secret to helping people change long-term behavior and habits? Understanding some basics of learning psychology can be helpful.

Tips for creating effective learning

The learning psychologist Stella Collins has shared some tips for creating training (which helps people retain information and improve their mnemonic abilities) using the acronym "LEARNS". Here are some of the best tips.

1. Encourage active engagement

To really learn something, you can not just watch a video. It is necessary to be actively involved, for example having the opportunity to put the theoretical concepts into practice and receive feedback.

2. Use what people already know

If learning content links to something that people already know, the brain creates links more easily. One way to help people make connections is to make them guess the answer.

3. Tap into emotions

Emotions help the brain make decisions. If you're trying to help people make better decisions in certain situations, provoke emotional reactions by building scenarios that's right for you. For example, presenting a problematic scenario elicitante fear increases the learner's commitment to the resolution and its feeling of well-being once the problem is solved.

4. Create deliberate links

It is possible to create links between two things in a deliberate way to help students "recall" memories or encourage them to act in a certain way. How? With the anchor. For example, have you ever noticed how certain songs remind you of a particular advertisement? In this case, advertisers managed to create an anchor in our mind. You can do it with visual suggestions, words, sounds, etc.

5. Repetita iuvant

If you often repeat a concept you will strengthen the connections between the concepts, but be careful not to exaggerate and bore learners.

6. Surprise

We tend not to pay attention to the things we are used to see. Try to make your course fresh and original to make it memorable and encourage word of mouth.

7. Use Storytelling

Engaging stories are remembered and told.

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