How to create good e-Learning content

e-Learning is a widespread training method that saves time and resources. Is there a way to create good e-Learning content?

How to create good e-Learning content

e-Learning is a widespread training method that saves time and resources. Is there a way to create good e-Learning content?

Define your goals

Each digital content has its own learning objectives and it is important not to move away from these goals. Define learning objectives in advance and draw a clear map of the concepts to be covered in each slide. This will help you create highly organized content by allowing students to take advantage of it and gain a complete learning experience.

Use clear and concise text

It is important to classify what is relevant to the topic and what is not. The content should be clear and concise, avoiding deviations and digressions on concepts that are not useful to the topic. Remember, "less is more": simplicity is always more effective.

Graphics and the media do help

A very mundane black and gray text will give your e-Learning platform / course a boring and unattractive aspect and will in no way help you achieve your learning goals. Introducing color themes, high-definition images that complement the content, videos that allow a better understanding, opinions of experts, bar charts and graphs and graphical representations in general, etc. help us create better and easily understandable content.

Embed links

It is also very important to incorporate links, where required, to provide an opportunity for the student to better understand the concepts. The additional reading always helps to grasp the topic discussed faster.

Limit the time for each slide

Time is a crucial concept when it comes to online content. No one will be interested in reading long paragraphs, even if it is a pleasure reading. The e-Learning content should be programmed to protect the student's limited attention span. Dilute and simplify the concepts, limiting the time of use and you will have designed an effective e-Learning system.

Aesthetically attractive and intellectually stimulating

The aspect counts; even more when it comes to creating e-Learning content. Remember, people are here to scroll down / click on pages and pages of content and as boring as it sounds, the only way to keep them busy is to make the page very interesting and easy to navigate without ever compromising the explanations of concepts.

Stress and recapitulate

This is the most important point to keep in mind when designing e-Learning content. When we frequently reinforce focal points (and recapitulating them at the end and at the beginning of each session), we help students register them better and improve their recall capacity: this way we increase the effectiveness of e-Learning content. This also helps to design a self-assessment section at the end of sessions.

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