How to build a good learning test in 7 steps

Often those involved in eLearning must create quizzes and questions. What are the 7 characteristics of a "good question"?

How to build a good learning test in 7 steps

Often those involved in eLearning must create quizzes and questions. What are the 7 characteristics of a "good question"?

A good question is a powerful tool for evaluating learning and strengthening the assimilation of concepts. But putting it is not as simple as it seems. What are the specific characteristics of a well formulated and effective question?

1. Relevant

Relevance is fundamental. Quiz questions should focus on the material covered in the lesson that is important to the general learning objectives.

2. Clear

Down with the vagueness! Students should be able to understand exactly the request, even when they do not know the answer to the question.

3. Concise

A good question is clear and concise. It omits any unnecessary information that requires students to devote time and resources to understand it properly. The purpose of the test is not to ask students questions, but to evaluate their knowledge.

4. Finalized

A good question can test both inborn and specific knowledge but remember that a question that does not have a specific purpose has no value. The purpose helps to evaluate the response with respect to some reference parameters.

The question "What is the capital of France?" requires the student to exercise his / her own memory: if this is your purpose, the question is totally justified. If the aim is to evaluate and improve the student's reasoning skills, the same question could be reformulated in this way: "How did the geographical position of Paris have influenced it in becoming the capital of France?".

5. Not guided

Do not ask questions that "influence" the student. For example, the question "Since lyophilized milk is a safe substitute for breast milk, should its use be normalized?" it is extremely biased (assuming the formula is safe) and leads people to answer affirmatively. Better to reformulate this way: "Do you think that the use of artificial milk should be normalized?".

6. Stimulates the thought

A good question requires students to reflect and remember the concepts learned. It does not require obvious answers.

7. One-dimensional

A question must be a single question (at a time). So, a good question focuses on one dimension at a time. If you want to deepen more aspects, create more questions.

Article taken from eLearningIndustry

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