Good resolutions for training professionals

4 development goals that every training professional should set in 2018.

Good resolutions for training professionals

4 development goals that every training professional should set in 2018.

As a training professional, which good resolutions did you set for 2018? You will find below a list of 4 professional development goals that every learning professional should set in 2018.

1. Become Digital-Savvy

The first purpose of 2018 should be to adopt a training approach open to technology, in line with the prevailing digitization. This means adopting an LMS (Learning Management System), capable of responding to the learning needs of employees.

2. Future-Proof Your Employees

Technology has become central to work: today it determines company choices for hiring specialized personnel and, in some cases, it is able to replace employees. As a learning professional, how can you ensure that your employees remain relevant in an age when technological innovations are dominant? Training and helping them to develop their own potential and skills, so that they do not crystallize on a role destined to become obsolete in a more or less distant future. If employees develop their potential, they will contribute to the more "human" functions of the company.

3. Increase Knowledge Retention And Tie It to Learning

The main objective of all training and development programs is to guide employees in achieving their potential. This goal is more important than ever today, contextually to the will of career shown by contemporary workers, "especially the Millennials that by 2025 will include 3/4 of the global workforce". Training can play an important role in keeping employees motivated: you can create engaging learning programs using eLearning training, allowing managers to keep track of fruition statistics in order to identify the best performing training programs.

4. Grow Leaders Internally

The success of an organization is given by people. It is good practice to grow leaders internally, to grow talents in this direction from the very moment they are hired, in order to have constant availability of qualified human resources and not being forced to look for them outside in the moment of need. This growth process is possible thanks to the training and constant assessment of performance and learning. In 2018, it might be useful to invest in learning platforms that act as support systems for performance monitoring and talent management through modern training capabilities, such as mobile learning or social and informal learning.

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