The importance of choosing the font in an online course

Have you ever wondered "if" and "how" the font chosen for your online course influences the learning and involvement of students? This choice can be fundamental to capture the attention of the students.

The importance of choosing the font in an online course

Have you ever wondered "if" and "how" the font chosen for your online course influences the learning and involvement of students? This choice can be fundamental to capture the attention of the students.

As it should be, in the field of eLearning training, great importance is given to the design of the platform and the course and to the different graphic elements that the user needs to interact with the contents. However, often, the font is an element that takes a back seat or, at least, is not given the right importance.

There is a great deal of fonts or, more properly, of "typeface" (typefaces). For those who like, for example, the simple "Arial". How many designers, on the other hand, recommend using "Helvetica"? However, in addition to personal preferences, it is good to know that the font can be one of the reasons why a user decides to leave a web page or to read or not an online article. When choosing a font, therefore, you are making an important choice that creates rather powerful consequences (even if not immediately visible) on the success of the online training path.

How can the type of character chosen influence the study of the students?

The font immediately sends us a first impression of the page. Depending on which one you choose, for example, a page may seem messy, modern or elegant. When students use the platform for the first time, therefore, depending on their personal tastes, they may have different feelings and, consequently, their attention and commitment may vary. For this reason, when designing the online course, choosing the font can be a decision that should not be underestimated.

Regardless of the preferences of each student, one of the first indispensable requisites of a font is its readability, which obviously depends not only on the character itself but also, for example, on its size or on its color. This simple and obvious feature is of fundamental importance to convince the user, for example, to buy a product on a website. In general, in terms of readability, unlike print media, on the web it is preferable to prefer a sans serif font (i.e. without thanks).

However, this last theory does not seem to be valid in 100% of the cases. We must not forget, in fact, that the type of font chosen will be able to offer a certain credibility to the site and to the information contained in it. In this sense, it seems that serif characters, such as the "Times New Roman", give a more authoritative air to the text. Likewise, characters like the much hated "Comic Sans" greatly reduce the feeling of being on a qualified and serious page.

Size matters too

It seems that, on a screen, the ideal size is 16 px. Similarly, varying the size (or fonts, color, etc.) of the text will help make the site more intuitive and allow the user to organize its reading. These and other choices, such as using bold or colors, are great tools to allow students to remember and better fix the main concepts.

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