Roll-out of authoring tools and 2.5.20 version of the e-learning platform is complete

The Authoring Tools/SCORM™ editor and e-Learning platform are updated with version 2.5.20, which introduces several important improvements.

Roll-out of authoring tools and 2.5.20 version of the e-learning platform is complete

The Authoring Tools/SCORM™ editor and e-Learning platform are updated with version 2.5.20, which introduces several important improvements.

The new 2.5.20 version of the DynDevice LCMS e-learning platform equipped with SCORM™ has been distributed on the Meda Italia Media cloud. The operation is automated thanks to the update process included in the DynDevice ECM framework. The following release note lists and explains all the improvements introduced by the latest update.

Comments” feature: It is now possible to answer comments to courses or e-Learning platforms' entry pages on the "Comments" feature. The answer will be visible under the comment. “Tutors” can now answer learners' comments more quickly and easily.

Management of validity expiration. The list showing expiration of courses' validity has been improved considerably: it is now possible to apply filters (or sorting criteria) to the columns being displayed on the screen. The filters applied will also be considered when generating CSV files for data export.
The list is equipped with new hidden columns (viewable when required) containing pieces of information about a learner's "history". For platforms that are equipped with e-commerce, it will be possible to know which initial web order generated a particular user. In addition to order code, company name and customer's email are now also available. 

Ability to force certificates. A new option has been added to the platform: it is called “overwrite certificates” which can be set as “yes” or “no” and a "forced content" editing field.  When it is set on “yes”, the content of every “certificate”-type objects not containing the word “minutes” in their name will be forced according to what is inserted in “forced content”.

Increase of the flag “marketable”. The functionality of “Marketable” flag has been improved. It is now possible, in addition to the “yes” and “no” options, to set it at “Yes, but currently not purchasable”. Courses that are “currently not purchasable” are visible on-line in the e-commerce section of the platform, but cannot be added to the shopping cart.

New “Code” field for “Advanced tests”. A new optional field has been added to “Advanced tests” objects.

Editor SCORM™. In the CourStore™ management area of the details window of an e-learning platform, courses that are already installed on the platform are now displayed in a different colour.

Automatic extension of courses from the “LCMS SCORM PLAYER” module. When a user books a slot for a “RTC Examination”, the course expiration date is automatically extended until 3 days after date of the booked slot.

Development Team

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