Questionnaire for the evaluation of a course in e-learning mode

The questionnaire that follows a course in e-learning mode is a kind of test aimed at measuring the reactions of the participants, collecting information and feedback. What is useful to ask the students?

Questionnaire for the evaluation of a course in e-learning mode

The questionnaire that follows a course in e-learning mode is a kind of test aimed at measuring the reactions of the participants, collecting information and feedback. What is useful to ask the students?

The satisfaction questionnaire that follows a course in e-learning mode is a useful tool to improve the content and training materials that will be used in the future, so it is certainly an element to be included in the training itself.

An e-learning satisfaction questionnaire that really works allows us to understand how the user has been effectively supported by all the elements of the course (human and technical) in his own independent study path. At this point you might ask yourself: what questions should I include in a post-course e-learning assessment questionnaire? We offer a list of questions to include at the end of your course. You probably won't use them all, but you can choose the ones that are most relevant to your project and to the topic.

Examples of questions on the student's expectations regarding training

  • Does the course offer the content you expected to learn? Why yes or why not?
  • What topics were not covered but would you have liked to address?

Examples of questions on the structure and content of the course

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of this course in e-learning mode?
  • Which part of the course did you find most useful and interesting?
  • How could the contents be improved?
  • Was the content clearly organized? Why yes or why not?
  • Does the content adequately illustrate the basic skills, abilities and concepts?

Examples of questions about the presence of tests and / or quizzes to be addressed

  • Was the quiz feedback timely and relevant? Why yes or why not?
  • Did the quiz feedback serve to offer new skills?
  • Have the quizzes been presented at appropriate time intervals?
  • Do the quizzes concern the material presented in the course?
  • How could the tests be improved?
  • Were the practical questions useful learning tools?

Examples of questions on course timing

  • How long did it take you to follow this course in e-learning mode?
  • How many hours did you spend completing the course-related activities?
  • Was the time required to complete this course appropriate? Why yes or why not?

Examples of questions on ease of navigation and visual content

  • Do you understand where you need to click to go on? If not, why not?
  • Are the text and characters easy to read?
  • How would you rate the quality of the images used?
  • How would you rate the use of animations in the course content?
  • How would you rate the quality of the audio used in the course?
  • How would you rate the amount of narrative used in the course?
  • Did the narrative add value to this module in e-learning mode? Why yes or why not?

Examples of questions on the degree of interactivity

  • Is interactivity appropriate to the content? Why yes or why not?
  • If you worked in a group, did you enjoy working with your group?
  • Did you use links to external websites?
  • Did the activities help you better understand the topic?
  • Have you had the chance to interact with other virtual students?
  • Would you prefer to attend this course online or in the classroom? Why?

Examples of questions on the overall experience of the e-learning course

  • Evaluate the technical quality of the course materials.
  • Evaluate how confident you are of the knowledge learned on the subject.
  • Evaluate the availability of technical support.
  • Indicate some ways to improve this e-learning course.
  • Give some suggestions to improve understanding of the course content.
  • Identify three important concepts or ideas you have learned in this course.
  • Indicate three ways in which you will change the way you do your work based on what you learned during the training.
  • Based on this experience, would you follow another e-learning course? Why yes or why not?
  • Have you encountered technical problems during the course? If yes, which ones?

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