How to train millennials

To effectively train the workers of today and of the future it is necessary to know them.

How to train millennials

To effectively train the workers of today and of the future it is necessary to know them.

Many times millennials (people born between the 80s and 90s) are described as "missing" compared to the generations that preceded them and, in particular, are accused of short attention. In reality, this generation is simply very different from the patterns that are familiar to organizations.
For this reason, the fact that members of this generation are starting to hold roles within organizations around the world leads to a number of conjectures. What exactly are the training and development challenges they can bring? In order to develop an effective dedicated learning plan it is better to know their strengths.


Millennials are often referred to as "digital natives", i.e. they are the generation that was born and grew up with the diffusion of new information technologies: they had no difficulty in learning how to use these technologies. Even adaptation to the introduction of updates and new solutions is not a problem for them as they are predisposed to learn and adapt quickly to novelties that are sometimes complex and discouraging for previous generations.


Millennials are interconnected: shift their focus from smartphones, laptops, desktops to their desk and may have hundreds of active tabs open and ready for immediate use. For many, this is interpreted as a distraction. However, if properly developed, this can be an important resource at work. The ability to keep an eye on multiple functions simultaneously allows you to run more processes and work faster. We are in a dynamic era; it is important to be quick to avoid falling behind.


Millennials have grown up in a world that requires them to show themselves, to increase their popularity (a typical mechanism of the Internet and social networks) and have managed to get the maximum benefit from the situation. Social media allow collaborative mechanisms that organizations have hardly experienced until today. Even if customers are far away, millennials know how to reach them. They also know how to work together to achieve a goal and know who they should approach to do it in the most effective way.


Millennials are more likely to search for information on the web about how to complete a task, rather than asking and depending on third parties. They are rarely stuck in work situations because they are aware that in order to have an answer it is necessary to do a search and put order to chaos.


Because of the demands for excellence on the technological front of today's world, millennials need continuous training. If you drive learning to training platforms, you are taking the first step in the right direction. Because of the Millennial multitasking inclination, using blended training (mixed classroom / eLearning) will make them particularly responsive. Through eLearning platforms, it will be possible to use social learning. To get the most out of Millennials you must allow them to socialize and develop working relationships among themselves through electronic means ... you will be surprised how quickly they join and start to develop strategies to improve the organization.

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