How to take advantage of infographics in eLearning courses

Five creative ways to insert infographics into your eLearning course

How to take advantage of infographics in eLearning courses

Five creative ways to insert infographics into your eLearning course

Here are 5 ideas for creative use of infographics in eLearning courses.

1. Combine the type of infographic with the content of the eLearning course

Once you have defined the content of the message that your eLearning course wants to convey, choose the type of infographic that best fits the course between these six types: instruction manual, presentation of a research, comparison and differences, do you know that ... ?, presentation of demographic data, argumentation and time line.

2. Create an unexpected layout

An unusual design gives your course the surprise effect, useful to arouse wonder in the students. For example, using emoticons instead of arrows allows you to stimulate a visual appeal even in those who live your online training as boring.

3. Suggest guided exercises

It is not infrequent to see a tutorial and forget the steps to complete the procedure (especially if complex) just a moment later. With the infographics you can offer students a quick summary of the steps. “All you need to do is highlight each step of the process with short text captions and images that allow them to simulate correct performance. Students will be able to use these short guides in the workplace, and this will make them ideal training materials to be used when needed", suggests Christopher Pappas, founder of eLearning Industry.

4. Enter the values of the compliance statistics

The numbers and percentages (in short, the statistics) have their own impact. Give value to the numbers and put them at the centre of attention. Then, enter a graphical presentation of the statistical data in the for of infographic to illustrate the state of the art of the topic. "For example, if you're processing the corporate dress code, present statistics and graphs that highlight the number of violations each year".

5. Allow yourself to deal with controversial topics without offending anyone

Some topics are thorny to be treated because of social sensitivity and taboos. Putting yourself as politically correct will not offend anyone, but often you will not be able to deal with the topic effectively. At this juncture the infographics can help you, showing a mirror of reality in an objective and summarizing way. "For example, do you have to talk about sexual harassment in the workplace and you do not want to make anyone uncomfortable? Designing an infographic that presents the topic through non-offensive data and images can be for you," suggests Pappas.

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