How to promote online courses from copywriting to video marketing

Is it enough to write captivating texts to increase the number of students enrolled in online courses or are there other marketing strategies that can be applied to e-learning?

How to promote online courses from copywriting to video marketing

Is it enough to write captivating texts to increase the number of students enrolled in online courses or are there other marketing strategies that can be applied to e-learning?

Writing can really make a difference in online sales. However, since it is e-learning, copywriting can not be limited to selling with writing, but must also exploit the educational and multimedia nature of online training through content and video marketing.

Copywriting in the presentation of an online course

Copywriting means writing captivating texts to sell a product. In the case of online courses, it is about choosing the right words in the title and in the course description. For effective writing, you can always use the old AIDA model, an evergreen communication that explains how to attract potential customers by creating:

  • A- Attention. An initial question or statement must exactly center the problem that the course wants to solve.
  • I-interest. We must have the point of view of users and explain what are the advantages that the course offers.
  • D- Desiderio. At this moment the reader has to fall into the situation and imagine to solve his problem thanks to the online course.
  • A- Action. The natural conclusion of the previous steps is for the reader to take action and finally buy the online course that will help him solve his problems.

By using this model we must pay attention to the choice of words, which are positive, accurate and not misleading. Is this enough to engage new students for your online courses?

Content marketing for e-learning

Web has brought copywriting to another level. In this case, we are talking about content marketing, which not only aims to sell, but also to inform and convert readers into users, through a blog, for example. Thanks to search engines you have precise data on the most searched words. Using these keywords in the title and description of your course means increasing your position with SEO, search engine optimization. It is easier to register for a course that appears on the first page of a search engine. Each blog article should use the most searched words by including them in strategic points:

  • In the different titles and subtitles of a text
  • In the first line of the article body
  • In the description of the photos
  • In the tags to be inserted in the article

In order to make the most of the power from writing, it is necessary to provide an editorial plan that deals with the main topics related to the online course by dividing them into branches of publication. Each branch consists of 6-7 articles on the same theme that are then linked to each other with a series of links to increase indexing. Thanks to the content marketing you can inform and encourage the reader to learn more by registering for the online course.

Video marketing for online training

Finally, since it is e-learning, it is easy to take advantage of the current trend, namely the promotion of products through video marketing. Since 2016, most online users are aware of new products through videos that are on social networks or on Youtube. You can then create short trailers to show some contents of your course. As with writing, video marketing also needs programming, copywriting and wise use of keywords in the title and subtitles.
Copywriting is the basis of any marketing strategy that wants to communicate a message and turn a reader into a student. In order to promote online courses in the most effective way, however, traditional multimedia communication and SEO models must also be combined with a coherent content and video marketing strategy.

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