How to introduce new employees into the company, remotely

Here's how to introduce the new team member to his functions and corporate values with an eLearning course.

How to introduce new employees into the company, remotely

Here's how to introduce the new team member to his functions and corporate values with an eLearning course.

New hires include a transition period, where the new employee becomes familiar with their role and gets to know their colleagues and the company. A welcome training course, the famous onboarding course, is always available to help the newly hired employee to fit in, and to convey the company's values and introduce the specifics of the role they have taken on. When all this takes place remotely, communication difficulties could slow down the insertion process. In fact, with a specific online course for new recruits, all this can be avoided. Here are some tips for an effective welcome course for remote employees.

Include social learning in the welcome training

An onboarding programme aims to welcome a new team member to make him or her truly part of the team. As the first day of work takes place remotely, it is important to design an online course by incorporating elements of social learning:

  • A videoconference is a direct way to interact with future colleagues.
  • The flipped classroom, i.e. the class on the contrary, can increase the involvement of new recruits who, before participating in the training, do their own research and prepare themselves on a specific topic, perhaps for role play.
  • Forums and peer tutoring systems within the LMS, learning management system, allow the newly hired person to be supported by more experienced colleagues and really put social learning into practice.

Passing on corporate values with storytelling

Another important aspect of the onboarding process is the presentation of the company and its values. A module of the online course where the newly hired employee participates in the company's history could be envisaged. Storytelling techniques help the trainee to identify with characters and situations and make the course more engaging.

Creating a realistic working environment

The biggest challenge for companies is to make new recruits independent in their work as soon as possible. Simulations help them get to the heart of their functions and are a practical way to train employees remotely. They recreate the same environment in the company and confront the trainee with situations that could occur in the course of their work.

Making online training flexible

Not all new recruits have the same level of knowledge and experience, even though they occupy the same role. In this case an effective onboarding course has to make flexible not only the delivery mode, using blended learning, for example, but also the training content. With an online course organised by micro modules, the new employee can learn asynchronously by selecting the information they need when they need it.

With employees working remotely, the placement of new hires may be delayed because of the lack of social learning opportunities. To prepare a new employee remotely, eLearning can be leveraged and a welcome course can be created that includes social learning, conveys corporate values in an engaging way and trains new employees for their role in a realistic and autonomous way.

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