Establishing learning objectives in the outsourcing of personalized e-learning

Whether it is standard solutions or personalized e-learning, if you do not establish adequate learning objectives it is like putting students on a boat without a rudder.

Establishing learning objectives in the outsourcing of personalized e-learning

Whether it is standard solutions or personalized e-learning, if you do not establish adequate learning objectives it is like putting students on a boat without a rudder.

How can learning objectives be set up to keep e-learning training design and development personalized for your company?

Learning objectives are the specific results that students must achieve at the end of an e-learning course, demonstrating that they have acquired new skills. They must not be overly ambitious and not very concrete, but achievable, realistic and, above all, must meet the needs of the course beneficiaries.

Every company has different and specific training needs that cannot always be met by the internal resources of the company itself. For this reason it is important to clearly define the learning objectives to be achieved with personalized outsourcing of teaching in e-learning mode.

If you have decided to outsource the creation of your personalized e-learning courses, know that you have two possibilities:

  1. outsource the entire project (if you do not have the internal resources available to the company): not all company needs can be met internally. External professionals can therefore facilitate the creation of tailor-made company training courses, offering useful tools and solutions, saving time and optimizing the HR department's spending.
  2. outsource only part of the project (if you already have an internal team for digital training management): in this case it is possible to involve them in drafting a first draft of the contents and then outsource the actual development of the course.

In both cases, it is important to establish adequate and personalized learning objectives, that is specific for your company with external suppliers even before the start of your e-learning project. The question then arises:

What guidelines should you provide to your e-learning content provider so that it can meet the personalized learning goals for your company?

First of all you should clearly define:

  • What are the objectives of your company: it is essential that external experts, e-learning experts, correctly interpret the needs of the company to create what it needs, with constant monitoring at every stage of the process of creating the content.
  • What are the training gaps that the personalized e-learning course intends to fill: if you set a learning goal without knowing the level of training of your employees, you could spend a lot of time creating training resources that nobody really needs.
  • What are the profiles of users and their roles in the workplace: part of the work of those involved in designing a course in e-learning mode is to put themselves in the users' shoes, otherwise the risk is that many students leave the course in half.
  • What are the expected results of the personalized e-learning course: explaining in a clear and concise way the objectives of the course and illustrating the advantages and new skills that will be obtained at a professional level will allow to attract the really interested users.

Establishing the right learning objectives for personalized e-learning helps the external provider to align the course content based on the objectives and training needs of your company, establishing the right didactic design strategy to be adopted to offer added value to users and the company.

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