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Management assessment tool

The management assessment tool allows to manage the process of evaluation of human resources within the organization, according to a logic that is oriented to development.

It is a tool that allows managers (evaluators) to evaluate the performance of their employees, and HR management to manage the processes of planning and development of human resources, mobility, job rotation, training and individual and/or team improvement courses (group and subgroup).

The functionality has been designed according to the logic of flexibility and openness to external environments from which it is possible to accommodate and integrate any information and data. By way of example, it is possible to collect, manage and integrate external evaluation systems based also on quantitative criteria, or for objectives/results.

All the "typical" functions of a management assessment tool are available:

  • Master management of profiles defined with a job title and classified for individual functional areas, professional families and business areas
  • Job description master data management and related skills weighted and linked to individual role profiles
  • Master management of the operators with their professional history and job/job profile
  • management of the dictionary of skills with a description of knowledge, skills and behaviors
  • possibility for workers (account learner) to fill the self-assessment cards
  • management of the evaluations associated with each individual manager and/or evaluator
  • compilazione schede di valutazione da parte dei valutatori
  • gestione del diario di bordo (strumento di accompagnamento nel processo di valutazione)
  • management of training and development plans linked to the "Training Paths" already included in the basic version of the extension

Preview of the management assessment tool of DynDevice

It is possible to extract different types of graphic reports, reports that can be addressed to the individual manager or evaluator, or to the personnel management for more complete analyses on all or part of the company population. Some of the available reports:

  • graphic maps for each job profile (role);
  • graphic maps of comparison of the employee’s job profile/profile (that is, ideal profile/real profile);
  • evolution of skills per employee (or comparison between the different assessments obtained by the employee in order to monitor the growth and development of performance);
  • training associated with the employee (list of training activities carried out);
  • comparison graphics of personnel evaluated in relation to the same role profile. comparison of results (absolute evaluations) aggregated by professional profile, households, macro areas;
  • comparison carried out on individual skills within the entire population or arre/families/profiles

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