Video technologies for e-learning training
What are the technologies for video transmission in e-Learning training today?
Video technologies for e-learning training
What are the technologies for video transmission in e-Learning training today?
The Digital Agenda website has been published an interesting article that takes stock of the most widely used technologies for the provision of e-Learning training.
After a brief introduction of what is meant by e-Learning training, its basic functionalities are summarized as:
• be accessible on Internet allowing attendance to distance courses;
• provide learning paths based on multimedia textual, audio and video material;
• carry out a continuous monitoring of the activities performed by the students;
• present learning level assessment tests;
• allow interactions between students and faculty via chat or videoconference.
The main e-Learning platforms in the world are then presented, all with the main objective of delivering MOOC -Massive Open Online Courses- courses and, focal point of the article, some common features of all these e-Learning platforms are identified:
• video lessons broadcasted in streaming;
• intermediate and final evaluation tests;
• possibility of interaction between students and teachers;
All types of analysed platforms focus their learning process mainly on on-demand video streaming systems (i.e. based on pre-recorded content), using also YouTube (or other less famous but equally valuable video portals) for the storage and the distribution of videos, because their "power" of calculation and bandwidth guarantees a correct, coherent and comprehensible distribution of contents.
In addition to video streaming directly within the web pages, modern internet browsers allow also the possibility of establishing real time audio/video connections between one or more users (the so-called videoconference), allowing the development of distance lectures in real time and the verification of the results obtained through a distance examination session.
It is estimated that, in the coming years, a further technological improvement of communication networks and browsers will encourage the increase of video resources in eLearning training.