Training in Public Administration: the advantages of an LMS

Public Administration needs more than ever to restart from internal training and an LMS can be the key. Let's find out why

Training in Public Administration: the advantages of an LMS

Public Administration needs more than ever to restart from internal training and an LMS can be the key. Let's find out why

The recent INAPP report on the state of training in Italian Public Administration has highlighted a picture that is anything but rosy. 

The challenges that the Public Administration is called to face today mainly concern the reorganization of work, the use of new technologies and the efficiency of services provided to businesses and citizens. This implies the need to develop new knowledge and skills in public employees, not only in terms of keeping abreast of regulations, but also in terms of developing managerial skills and high-level technical expertise.

According to the data collected, the over-50s now represent around 58% of the staff working in the Public Administration. For them, in particular, there is a need for targeted training in step with the new challenges of digitalization and along the lines indicated by the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan).

However, the rate of training participation and the rate of access to training of the over 50s is lower than that of the under 50s. On average, an over 50 participates in training for four fewer hours than an under 50. For two-thirds of the administrations, the most widespread means of updating the skills of the over-50s is through direct daily working relationships with colleagues and/or managers. This fact, analyzed together with the fact that almost half of the administrations leave the responsibility for professional updating to the individual, makes it clear that there is often no clear plan to counteract the obsolescence of the skills of older workers.

With this in mind, an LMS (learning management system) can be a more than valuable ally to PAs and help them respond effectively to the challenges of the sector.

In this article, we'll explain what an LMS is, how to choose an LMS for Public Administration, and what specific benefits it can offer PAs.

What is an LMS?

An LMS (Learning Management System) is a software platform that allows you to manage, deliver and measure even complex training programs. 

How to choose an LMS for Public Administration

Choosing the LMS platform that best suits your needs is a process that is anything but simple, requiring time and the right amount of information. On the market, in fact, there are different types of platforms for managing corporate training that differ in terms of functionality, reliability, technology, etc.

The first choice to make, generally, is between a local LMS or a cloud LMS, i.e. between an LMS that the company buys and installs on its own servers (local LMS or LMS on premise) and an LMS hosted on the provider's servers and offered as a service.

To date, cloud-based LMSs are often the most suitable choice for Public Administrations, because they do not imply the need for a robust IT infrastructure and dedicated IT staff to oversee the installation. Updating and maintaining a cloud LMS is the responsibility of the platform manufacturer, who is responsible for ensuring that it works across all devices and browsers.

In the case of Public Administrations, it should be said that AgID, the Agency for Digital Italy, has stipulated that all cloud services offered to Public Administrations must pass a qualification process. When choosing an LMS in the cloud, it will therefore be essential to opt for a qualified platform, such as DynDevice LMS. 
This qualification ensures that the platform is developed and delivered according to the criteria of security, performance, flexibility and portability considered necessary for public digital services. 

The benefits of an enterprise LMS for Public Sector organizations

1. Training management
An LMS platform allows you to manage all corporate training (online, classroom or mixed): from importing users to the assignment of courses, up to the management of training documents (certificates, minutes, history of courses delivered, etc.).

2. Flexible course delivery
An LMS platform allows users to access courses at any time and from any device connected to the internet. This makes it possible to adapt to the time and pace of each employee, while reducing the impact on work organization. 

3. Monitoring of training and results
An LMS platform allows you to analyze in detail the training experience of each individual user and track employee activities within the platform: completion of lessons, courses and quizzes, number of attempts for each section, etc.
In this way, you can monitor users' performance and progress, reducing the skills gap and updating relevant knowledge.

4. Creating Customized Courses and Training Pills
An LMS platform with an LCMS editor allows you to create customized training courses based on the specific needs of your workforce. But that's not all: modern eLearning platforms allow you to exploit the potential of microlearning for faster and more effective training.

Microlearning is a training method characterized by very short contents, easily usable even from mobile, perfect for just-in-time training: the short contents can in fact be reviewed to recall useful information when needed. In addition, they have the great advantage of avoiding cognitive overload and encouraging greater knowledge retention.

5. Skill and task management
Some more comprehensive LMSs, such as DynDevice LMS, also allow advanced management of tasks and skills.
On the other hand, one of the main problems that has emerged within the Italian Public Administration is precisely the absence of a strategic vision of training as a response to a training need: more than two-thirds of public administrations do not carry out any analysis of needs prior to programming training, and less than a fifth draw up a plan or program for training their staff.

And yet, careful mapping of the knowledge, skills and abilities of company employees makes it possible to:

  • Gain an overview of internal training needs and requirements;
  • Establish unequivocally what the core competencies are for each role;
  • Determine which employees need to be trained and on which specific skills;
  • Place people in the most strategic roles, valuing them according to their skills;
  • Evaluate the actual results of training.

6. Process efficiency
Have you implemented new procedures that outline ways to reduce waste or ensure time and safety efficiency? With an LMS, you can quickly share guides, video tutorials and other information materials, make them available for download, and ensure that all employees consult them.

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