The 5 steps to a perfect employee onboarding process

Onboarding programs play a crucial role for any company. Let's find out what they are, how to develop them and what benefits they offer.

The 5 steps to a perfect employee onboarding process

Onboarding programs play a crucial role for any company. Let's find out what they are, how to develop them and what benefits they offer.

Onboarding new hires plays a crucial role in any company's organization, as it allows employees to adapt to the company's culture, values, and expectations, turning new hires into highly loyal, high-performing employees.

A well-constructed onboarding process then allows new hires to settle in quickly and reach full productivity in less time. The result? Employees will feel confident and competent, which will increase their retention levels and create a calm and positive work environment, with an inevitable positive impact on company profits as well.

In this article, we will see:

Onboarding: what is it?

Onboarding is the set of activities that companies put on track to welcome new hires and help them understand how the company works, understand the company culture and feel welcomed into their team.

However, the onboarding process should not be confused with the orientation and shadowing period. In fact, effective onboarding extends well beyond the first day of employment and typically continues for a period that can range from a few months to a year.

In other words, effective onboarding begins the moment the candidate accepts the job offer and ends when the new employee has fully integrated into his or her role and the team of which he or she is a part, achieving expected levels of productivity.

How to build a good onboarding process

1. Start early

The onboarding process should begin before the employee joins the company. Often, days or weeks pass from the time he signs the contract to the time he starts working. Make sure you make him feel part of the team from the moment he signs the contract - for example, by having his manager send him a personal welcome email right away.

2. Welcome him properly

When the new employee first arrives at your company, make sure you welcome them properly. For example, you can make a plan for his first few days on the job and guide him through his first steps: let the front desk know he's coming, have someone there to greet him, show him his workstation and introduce him to his colleagues. Make sure his manager meets with him regularly and gives him all the support he will need in his first few weeks on the job because they will be crucial.

3. Provide frequent feedback

Effective onboarding can't fail to include times to share where you can provide feedback and encouragement to newcomers. Schedule regular meetings to share and discuss their progress and goals with them.

4. Schedule regular training sessions

In the induction phase, the training process is absolutely crucial and will provide significant long-term benefits. Make sure you schedule regular training sessions that provide newcomers with the information they need to do their jobs properly and integrate into the business environment.

For more insights, also read " eLearning: the possibilities for onboarding".

5. Use digital tools and platforms

A digital onboarding platform offers the great advantage of adapting to the pace and timing of the new hire, improving engagement. Digital tools also give new hires the ability to access information whenever they need it. Therefore, any lost or forgotten information will always be easily accessible, even long after they have arrived at the company.

Depending on the software you choose, you can set up cascading steps and activities, so as to guide the new employee through a predetermined path that will help him or her navigate through documents and instructions.

Finally, you'll have centralized management of the documents and information you provide to new hires. This will allow you to always have everything under control and, if necessary, to quickly update these materials with the assurance that everyone is aligned with the changes made.

Onboarding: what benefits it offers to companies and employees

Contributes to creating a climate of trust

Taking care of the employee in the delicate moment in which he/she joins the company contributes to creating a climate of trust that will positively influence his/her experience and performance.

Increases employee engagement and productivity

A great onboarding program shows new hires that you care about them and their well-being within the company. As a result, they'll feel more connected to your company and its mission, which will have a significant impact on their productivity levels as well.

Improve employee retention

An Aberdeen Group study shows that companies that offer an onboarding path to employees have an average retention rate of 86%, 30 points higher than companies that don't.

Ensures compliance with company procedures and goals

Onboarding processes allow employees to share company procedures and goals from the moment they join the company. This helps the employee understand the importance of these processes and comply with them.

Encourage open communication

When a resource joins a new company, they may be afraid to share concerns and questions about their role and surroundings. An onboarding program can help new hires easily find answers to their questions, which will make them feel more confident and comfortable.

Facilitates talent attraction

An engaging onboarding program helps not only retain talent (reducing turnover), but also attract new candidates. In fact, it's well known that employee referrals are faster and less expensive than any other recruiting tool.

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